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Chinese New Year 2010, not in China but in Southampton UK, about a week before I flew back to China.
Chongqing, China.
The Yangtze River, here showing the marks left behind after recent flooding.
More views of the Yangtze as it flows through the city of Chongqing.
Beijing, China.
A view of the outside of the  forbidden city from the north side.
Outside Beihai Park, Beijing.
This is one of the many places within the busy city that offers relaxation away from the hustle and bustle of this large and very crowded city.
One of the many attractions inside the grounds of Beihai Park.
The park contains a large lake enclosing an island. The island is home to a monastery and the focal point being this impressive looking tower.
One of the traditional looking boats to carry passengers across the lake.
One of the many stone columns on view around the park, this is one of a pair being carried by stone tortoises.
A view of the monastery at the top of the hill inside Beihai Park, Beijing.
The school where I teach in Luzhou, Sichuan province.
There are hundreds of bicycles all parked neatly.
This traditional looking pagoda across the lake is located within a park in Luzhou city, Sichuan province, China.

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